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4 Hours of Paid Leave For Vaccination

Clark Parker

OPM has told agencies to provide paid leave for federal employees related to Coronavirus vaccine booster shots, or additional full doses, under the same terms as for initial shots.

A memo notes that the FDA has authorized additional shots for those age 18 and up who received the second dose of either the Pfizer of Moderna vaccine at least six months previously.

The memo says that agencies are to provide up to four hours of administrative leave—paid time off without charge to any other form of leave. Employees should obtain advance approval from their supervisor and should charge only the time it takes to go to the vaccination site, receive the vaccination, and return to work.

The same policy also applies, as it did for initial vaccinations, for employees accompanying certain family members to their vaccinations.

“Agencies should take prompt steps to ensure all federal employees are aware of the availability of this leave and how to access it,” OPM said.


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