The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has been tasked with the crucial responsibility of conducting a Classification Consistency Review across the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). This comprehensive review involves a thorough examination of various positions (Group One: Police Officers & Security Officers) within the organization to determine whether they are accurately classified in accordance with the established OPM classification standards that apply throughout the VHA.
As a result of this review, there is a possibility that certain positions may be subject to downgrading. It is important to note that, according to OPM guidelines, employees who are currently holding these positions will retain their existing salaries even if their roles are reclassified to a lower grade. However, the implications of these changes extend further; once the employment freeze, which was put in place during the Trump administration, is lifted, any new hires for these downgraded positions will likely receive salaries that are lower than the salaries currently being earned by existing employees. This means that the salary discrepancy between current employees and new hires could create a significant gap, impacting organizational morale and recruitment efforts moving forward.
The AFGE NVAC team is actively addressing these changes. This is an ongoing process, and I will keep our Police Officers informed as more information becomes available, because OPM will not just stop with them.
If you are not currently a dues-paying member, I strongly encourage you to consider signing up. We need the HELP of all employees to advocate for better pay and working conditions in Congress. Staying uninvolved permits individuals such as President Trump and Elon Musk, among others, to compromise the achievements we have worked hard to attain. Doctors, LVNs, and others, you are also on their radar. Remaining on the sideline is no longer an option!
Please send me a letter addressed to Congress that outlines your thoughts and requests. I would appreciate it if you could provide this as soon as possible.
In solidarity,
Clark G. Parker
AFGE Local 1216